An Olympic edition of Swim Nut Zeke

Swim Nut Zeke runs regularly in "Splash" magazine. My brother is the artist/author of the strip and works as Art Director for USA Swimming. To see Zeke full size and legible, click http://www.usaswimming.org/USASWeb/ViewNewsArticle.aspx?TabId=0&Alias=Rainbow&Lang=en&ItemId=2192&mid=2943

I took great delight in watching Phelps smash records and win 8 golds against the rival Australians and French. If you missed these Olympic games, in particular USA Swimming, you missed one of the greatest sporting triumphs in your lifetime. Go USA Swimming!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Swim Nut Zeke. This strip was especially funny. USA Swimming is a team.
